Difficult histories

Below you will find a list of reading related to difficult histories. The list is a work in progress and will be regularly updated. If you are aware of other resources you think are important and should be included then please feel free to email feedback@criticalreflections.org with your suggestions.

people harvesting crops painting
people harvesting crops painting

Benzaquen-Gautier, C. and Porée, A. L. Porée (2024) Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum: A Multifaceted History of Khmer Rouge Crimes. Boston: Brill Publishers

Hwang, S. Y. and Lee, J. E. (2022) Gwangju Uprising: The Rebellion for Democracy in South Korea. London: Verso

Rothberg, M. (2000) Traumatic Realism: The Demands of Holocaust Representation. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

Rothberg, M. (2009) Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization. California: Stanford University Press

Rothberg, M. (2019) The Implicated Subject: Beyond Victims and Perpetrators. California: Stanford University Press

Sonnenberg, S., Kim, Y., Miller, D. Young-Kwan, B., Son, A. and Sakurai, K. (20023) 75 Years of Silence: The Continuing Need for Acknowledgement, Accountability and Reconciliation between the United States and the Korean People. Seoul. Difficult Conversations Clinic